
A major complaint of Aitkin County businesses is that they have trouble filling the skilled talent and experienced workers that will allow their companies to grow and flourish.
One untapped resource in the Aitkin area is the abundance of talented retired people that have come to the area to reside. The retired people that have come to the area represent a talent pool that covers the spectrum of expertise from Doctors and Lawyers to Handymen and Janitors. Businesses in the area need people with skills and talents that can get the job done, on time and fit in with the realities of Covid19 related business practices.
The Aitkin Senior Workers Network is a solution for both retired people looking to work in their profession, on their own terms, and businesses that need skilled workers to round out their strategic staffing needs now and into the future. Aitkin Retired Workers Network will build a database will search out and identify retired workers in Aitkin County, catalogue their experience, skills and interests. The network will then reach out to area businesses, help determine their strategic needs and match our clients with businesses that can benefit from their talents.